New public and commercial laundromat opens in Frisco

Aquamarine Commercial and Public Laundromat has opened in Frisco.
Courtesy Diane Wieland

FRISCO — A new laundromat for public and commercial use has opened for business in Frisco.

Aquamarine Commercial and Public Laundromat co-owner Diane Wieland said it is one of the largest public coin-operated and commercial laundromats in the county. As owner of the Colorado Rocky Mountain Resorts property-management company, Wieland said she saw a huge need for more laundry service in Summit County. 

“We just felt like there was a need to have another public and commercial laundromat based off of just what everybody was telling us,” Wieland said about herself and her business partner, Michael Martin. “We personally had a need for it, and we just kept hearing from everybody their frustrations as far as the other public laundromats were smaller, and during the busy season … they would try to go do their laundry and none of the machines were available.”

Wieland said the commercial side of the operation at 745 Ten Mile Drive in Frisco can be used by restaurants, property-management companies, housekeeping companies, spas, hotels and other businesses that need to use commercial laundry facilities. The public laundry machine section can be used by anyone via cash, card or mobile pay.

The public portion of the facility holds 18 washing machines and 22 dryers while the commercial side contains four washing machines, two of which can hold 145 pounds, and four dryers. The laundromat also contains a Chicago Tristar Ironer and Air Chicago Quatro Towel Folder to quickly process commercial laundry. Wieland said the laundromat can process 2 million to 3 million pounds of laundry per year and offers pickup and delivery service for commercial accounts as well as a drop-off and pickup service to the public.

“For those people who maybe just don’t have time to do their laundry, you can drop off comforters and bedspreads and things like that,” Wieland said. “… You’re just charged per pound, so that’s a nice thing, especially if you’re a bachelor or you’re working full time and have kids and just don’t have time.”

There are also TVs, a public bathroom, seating and folding tables available in the facility. 

Aquamarine Commercial and Public Laundromat, which recently opened in Frisco.
Courtesy photo Diane Wieland

Amy Franklin, owner of Summit Executive Cleaning, said cleaning linens is a big problem in Summit County and that using Aquamarine Commercial and Public Laundromat’s delivery service has made a positive difference for her business, which services 350 homes. 

“For me, it’s changed everything these last couple of weeks working with them,” said Franklin, who uses daily pickup and delivery services. “Before this, we had our own facility that we were using, and most of the time having to man it 18-24 hours a day just to keep up with the demand. Last season, it was not rare for our staff to be working (until) 3-4 a.m.”

Franklin said her business simply didn’t have the capacity to run the amount of linens they needed through the laundry system and that using the laundromat service is more cost-effective. Franklin said the laundromat equipment that irons, steams, dries, folds and sorts the linens has been a major improvement and that the turnaround time for laundry is much quicker.

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