Recently elected — and appointed — Summit County officials sworn into office

County Clerk and Recorder Taryn Power, who was appointed to the position by commissioners on Dec. 9 after the winning candidate gave up her seat, is sworn into office Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2023.
Robert Tann/Summit Daily News

Several Summit County officials who won their election this past November were officially sworn into office Tuesday during a ceremony at the Summit County Courthouse.

Incumbents Elisabeth Lawrence, a county commissioner, and Jaime FitzSimons, county sheriff, were both reelected to their roles on Nov. 8, 2022, and join the newly-elected county assessor, Lisa Eurich, and coroner, Amber Flenniken.

The new county clerk and recorder — Taryn Power, who was appointed to the position by commissioners on Dec. 9 after the winning candidate gave up her seat — was also sworn in on Tuesday.

Power, a nonprofit leader with The Summit Foundation, previously served as deputy town clerk for the town of Breckenridge from 2013-2019.

“I want to mark the occasion by recognizing the call to leadership that I think each one of these people have answered,” said Reid Owens, district court judge for the 5th Judicial District, who officiated the ceremony.

“It’s a small community that we live in,” he continued, “but there’s a lot of important work that gets done every day and I know that each person who’s going to raise their hand today will be proud to take on that leadership role.”

Kathleen Neel, the former county clerk and recorder who now serves as the county’s new treasurer, was sworn in on Jan. 1.

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