Letter to the editor: Stop the lies in the Dillon recall election

Kevin Stout

As a 10-year voting resident of Dillon, I am tired of the constant stream of misinformation being spread by members of the recall committee.

This includes personal attacks on current sitting members of Dillon Town Council with the intent of doing them personal harm by calling into question their honesty and integrity, with no basis in fact. I encourage you to read the cease and desist actions against Ms. Laura Johnson and Ms. Barbara Richards, which specifically call out these behaviors and outline alleged unlawful actions taken by Ms. Johnson, according to the developer’s attorney.

Quite frankly, these legal orders are long overdue. This is not an intent to “quiet” these individuals as they claim. If they have a problem with the “cease-and-desist” orders, they need to stop the actions that are documented in these filings. In today’s politically charged environment, people believe they can lie without repudiation if it meets their personal objectives. It is time that we as voting residents stop the actions of a few disgruntled residents to execute a “hostile takeover” of Dillon because they so dislike the developer that they are willing to try to discredit everyone who opposes their views. Please vote against the recall and stop this attempted coup.

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