Letter to the editor: Rep. Julie McCluskie’s quote was a bit ‘unnerving’

Tom LaVoy

Open Letter to Julie McCluskie:

I found your statement in the Summit Daily a bit unnerving. You stated that “Coloradans do not support mass deportations.” How do you know that? Has it gone to a statewide vote? 

I think you have been surrounded by like-minded peers and constituents who all feel the same as you. If you look at the last election, you will notice that the pendulum is starting to swing away from liberalism and towards conservatism. Some like me have been afraid to speak out against what felt like the (liberal) will of the people for fear of being slighted by our peers. But now I am realizing that conservatives have never been as aggressive voicing our views as liberals, and it is time that we rally around the formerly suppressed feelings to set this state and country back on the right course for a better life for most of our citizens. I say “most of our citizens” because when a politician says “I represent all constituents,” you are lying. You are representing the constituents that believe in the same goals as you. There are always other citizens that will disagree.

That is why you appear to take a broad-brush approach to deciding that most of Coloradans do not support mass deportation. If an individual has committed a crime to enter this country, and especially if they have committed additional crimes, they should be turned over to the legal system and let it take its course. That’s what happens to us legal citizens when we break the law, why shouldn’t it happen to them? Either uphold the law as it stands on the books or change the laws (if you can get enough support).

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